Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Doctor Who Harlequin Yeti Miniatures

Doctor Who Harlequin Yeti Miniatures produced in the 1990's. I decided to diverge away from fantasy on this occasion & paint something simple.

 These 2 Yetis are Harlequin miniatures DW 204 - Yeti & DW 209 - Yeti Attacking.

 In addition I chose these 2 miniatures because my Doctor (the one I grew up with & have the earliest memories) was the second Doctor, Patrick Troughton. I also recently purchased "Web of Fear" DVD in which the Yetis appear.

Here they are in the snowy wastes
Paints used & method are as follows after a sprayed white undercoat are.
Yeti Fur:
  1. Vallejo Game Colour 43 Beasty Brown painted.
  2. GW Devlan Mud wash.
  3. GW Badab Black wash.
  4. Vallejo Paint 72153 Game Colour Paint, Heavy Brown Extra Opaque + Vallejo Game Colour 43 Beasty Brown, dry brush - heavy.
  5. Vallejo Game Colour 43 Beasty brown dry brush.
  6. Citadel (GW) Snakebite Leather, dry brush.
  7. Vallejo Model Colour 825 German Cam Pale Brown, light dry brush.
  8. Miniature Paint's MP80 Coffee which is kind of like cafĂ© latte or light khaki. Also great alternative for human flesh. A light dry brush again on Yeti fur.
  9. Finally. GW Sepia Wash, a light wash to soften the dry brush & blend it all.
  10. Face fur area was air brushed with black.
  11. Eyes were painted yellow & highlighted with a pale yellow. These colours were lightly dry brushed on the blackened face fur to represent glow & OSL.
Yeti Skin (hands & feet):
  1. Vallejo Model Colour 988 Khaki + Black (any will do, just to darken the khaki). Paint.
  2. GW Badab Black wash.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour 988 Khaki + Black . Paint. Leaving shaded area, i.e. between fingers & toes.
  4. Vallejo Model Colour 988 Khaki + a little Black. Paint wrinkles, since these weren't moulded or cast on the miniatures, which would have been easier.
Finally over exposure on the camera to give a white out.