Saturday, 7 December 2019

Twig Blights & a Reaper Saproling Warrior

Twig Blights (3) & a Reaper Saproling Warrior

I painted the 3 twig blights from Wizards of the Coast official D&D miniatures slightly different. These miniatures are no longer available and at the time of painting, no other twig blights were available. So I mounted them on numbered bases to tell the difference. As shown below.

Twig Blight I
  1. Vallejo Game Colour Earth 72.062 - basecoat.
  2. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - shade/ wash.
  3. Vallejo Game Colour Khaki 72.061 - dry brush.
Twig Blight II
  1. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Black Brown 70.822 - basecoat.
  2. Vallejo Model Colour English Uniform 70.921 - dry brush.
  3. Vallejo Game Colour Khaki 72.061 - dry brush.
Twig Blight III
  1. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Black Brown 70.822 - basecoat.
  2. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - shade/ wash.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Pale Brown 70.825 - dry brush.
  4. Vallejo Model Colour Cork Brown 70.845 - dry brush.
  5. Citadel Terminatus Stone - light drybrush.
Reaper Saproling Warrior
  1. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Black Brown 70.822 - basecoat.
  2. Citadel Agrax Earthshade + Citadel Nuln Oil - shade/ wash.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Black Brown 70.822 - heavy drybrush.
  4. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Pale Brown 70.825 + Vallejo Game Colour extra opaque Heavy Grey 72.145 - dry brush.
  5. Vallejo Game Colour extra opaque Heavy Grey 72.145 + Citadel Terminatus Stone - light dry brush.
  6. Citadel Terminatus Stone - light drybrush.
  7. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - shade/ wash.
Quiet happy with the results.

Sunday, 1 December 2019

Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures Helmed Horror

Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures Helmed Horror

Nice miniature very representative of what's shown in the Monster Manual. plus relatively easy paint job. I tried to achieve the colour of the armour as closely as was shown in the Monster Manual 5e. I think I managed to nail it.

I'll just mention how the armour was painted which comprises most of the miniature.

  1. Citadel Liberator Gold - Basecoat.
  2. Citadel Leadbelcher - Layered & watered down.
  3. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - Shaded/washed with some Citadel Lahmian Medium.
  4. Citadel Ironbreaker - Dry brushed.
  5. Citadel Liberator Gold - Dry brushed.
  6. Citadel Runefang Steel - Light dry brushed.
  7. Citadel Runefang Steel - Edge highlighted.

Plus here's another angle to show the miniature off.