Tuesday, 31 December 2019

D&D Water Priest

D&D Water Priest

This miniatures is an official D&D miniature from Gale Force 9 Games for 'Princes of the Apocalypse' or Elemental Evil campaign. I've only painted the priest so far, though the miniatures set comes with Gar Shatterkeel the water cult prophet. There is a painting guide, here's the link: https://dnd.gf9games.com/painting/tabid/140/entryid/211/gar-shatterkeel-and-water-priest-painting-guide.aspx.

Rather than using the painting guide, I decided to use the wonderful illustration from ' The Princes of the Apocalypse' campaign book and my own palette though I found the colours and paints used for the conch shells were great, so I used them.

Sunday, 29 December 2019

Reaper 03722 Jurden, Half Orc Paladin

Reaper 03722 Jurden, Half Orc Paladin

Excellent half orc paladin sculpted by Bobby Jackson. Painted because one of my players was playing a half orc paladin in my ongoing D&D campaign "Princes of the Apocalypse". Great miniature that just brings across a half orc paladin.

  1. Vallejo Model Colour Grey Blue 70943 + Vallejo Model Colour 907 Pale Grey Blue - basecoat.
  2. Vallejo Model Colour 907 Pale Grey Blue - Layer.
  3. Citadel White - Final layer.
Cloth Strip, I wanted a different kind of white compared to the loincloth:
  1. Citadel Base Paint Rakarth Flesh - basecoat.
  2. Citadel White - Edge highlight.
Half Orc Flesh:
  1. Vallejo Model Colour 886 Green Grey - basecoat.
  2. Citadel Shade: Athonian Camoshade - Wash/shade.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour 886 Green Grey - layer.
  4. Vallejo Model Colour 886 Green Grey + a touch of Citadel Layer Kislev Flesh - layer.
  5. As No.4 (above) with a touch of Citadel Layer: Flayed One Flesh - final layer.

Otherworld Miniatures WE19-Giant Boars

Otherworld Miniatures WE19-Giant Boars

Giant boars sculpted by Jo Brumby. Really nice minis that were quick and easy to paint.

Saturday, 28 December 2019

Hidalgo Skeleton UnD-02 by Morgue Miniatures

Hidalgo Skeleton UnD-02 by Morgue Miniatures

Another superb miniature from Morgue Miniatures, sculpted again by Mr Paul Muller. Love the detail including a tiny skull topping Hidalgo's cane. Sheer joy to paint.

I won't mention, what colour/paints I used for bone, since it's the recipe I use for all my bone/ skeleton work which should be mentioned in previous blogs. However I will mention what colours/paints I used for the cracked earth base.

Base (cracked Earth):
  1. Citadel Texture: Agrellan Earth - Thick Coat.
  2. Citadel Shade: Seraphim Sepia - Shade/Wash.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour English Uniform 70.921 + Vallejo Model Colour Dark Sand 70.847 - Dry Brush.
  4. Vallejo Model Colour Dark Sand 70.847 - Light Dry Brush.

Hidalgo's Pantaloons/Trousers
  1. Vallejo Model Colour Hull Red 70.985 - Basecoat.
  2. Citadel Nuln Oil Black - Shade/ Wash.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour Hull Red 70.985 - Layer.
  4. Vallejo Model Color Cavalry Brown 70.982 - Final Layer

Finally a pic with Hidalgo toasting Catrina.

Thursday, 26 December 2019

Catrina Skeleton UnD-03 by Morgue Miniatures

Catrina Skeleton UnD-03 by Morgue Miniatures

Well what can I say ? I can't be unbiased because this is one of the miniatures that is produced by my tiny cottage miniatures business that is run by myself and my lovely wife. Obviously I had to paint her, so to emphasize the amazing sculpt by Mr Paul Muller. Fantastic miniature with amazing detail.

Dress was painted using:
  1. Citadel Necron Abyss Blue - basecoat.
  2. Citadel Asurmen Blue - wash/shade.
  3. Citadel Necron Abyss Blue + Citadel Mordian Blue - Layer.
  4. Citadel Mordian Blue - Highlight layer.
  5. Then airbrushed lower section of dress with Scalecolor SC33 Sunset Purple.
  6. Citadel Leviathan Purple - wash/shade.
  7. Scalecolor SC33 Sunset Purple - Layer.
  8. Scalecolor SC33 Sunset Purple + white - Highlight Layer.
Some of the flowers on the dress were painted:
  1. Vallejo Model Colour 70.966 Turquoise + Vallejo Game Colour 72.026 Jade Green.
  2. White was added to the above colour for highlights.

Monday, 23 December 2019

Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game Gnolls

Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game Gnolls

Compared to the pants sculpts of the water cult warriors, these sculpts of gnolls are awesome. Like the size and must say one of the best representations of gnolls in the miniature market, to date. Real pleasure to paint these guys.

Thought I'd shown you their behinds as well as the typical front.
Again I painted them slightly different for playing purposes, since the sculpts are exactly the same. So rusty armour for one and different hair colours for all 3, though stuck with the same overall grey fur.

Talking about fur, here is the colour and paints used for the dirty grey fur based on the Citadel Colour app 'Dirty Grey':
  1. Citadel Skavenblight Dinge - Basecoat.
  2. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - Shade/ wash.
  3. Citadel Stormvermin Fur - layer/ fine lined.
  4. Citadel Stormvermin Fur + a touch of white for a slightly lighter colour - edge highlight/ top layer.
For the arm and lower leg bandaging:
  1. Citadel Rakarth Flesh - Basecoat.
  2. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - Shade/ wash.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour 70.874 Tan Earth - just as edge highlight/ top layer. Leaving the shaded area.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game - Water Cultists Water Cult Warrior

Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game Water Cultist Warriors

Carrying on painting miniatures for my D&D campaign of ' Princes of the Apocalypse' and using miniatures from the Temple of Elemental Evil board game. It was time for the Water Cult, Water Cultist's warriors. Again I decided to paint each one slightly different and have different base terrain to denote them whilst playing. 

These miniatures weren't the best in terms of quality & sculpts, but they were perfect for representing Water Cultist 's Warriors as the official art from the campaign book, shown below.

The only noted paint colours used were for the shields and gloves:
  1. Vallejo Model Colour Red Leather 70.818 & Vallejo Model Colour Cavalry Brown 70.982 ( darker shield had more cavalry brown added).
  2. Citadel Reikland Fleshshade & Citadel Fuegan Orange shade/wash.
  3. Forgot & didn't note the highlight paints used.


Wizkids Deep Cuts Miniatures - Pirates

Just loved these pirate miniatures really quiet characterful.

So for the pirate girl's skirt/ petticoat, I used the following color paint combination:
  1. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Beige WWII 70.821  - basecoat.
  2. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - Shaded/washed.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour 70.986 Deck Tan.
  4. Vallejo Model Colour 70.986 Deck Tan & Vallejo Model Colour Ivory 70.918.
  5. Vallejo Model Colour Ivory 70.918 - Final Highlight.

Another photo, shot slightly darker.

Saturday, 7 December 2019

Twig Blights & a Reaper Saproling Warrior

Twig Blights (3) & a Reaper Saproling Warrior

I painted the 3 twig blights from Wizards of the Coast official D&D miniatures slightly different. These miniatures are no longer available and at the time of painting, no other twig blights were available. So I mounted them on numbered bases to tell the difference. As shown below.

Twig Blight I
  1. Vallejo Game Colour Earth 72.062 - basecoat.
  2. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - shade/ wash.
  3. Vallejo Game Colour Khaki 72.061 - dry brush.
Twig Blight II
  1. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Black Brown 70.822 - basecoat.
  2. Vallejo Model Colour English Uniform 70.921 - dry brush.
  3. Vallejo Game Colour Khaki 72.061 - dry brush.
Twig Blight III
  1. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Black Brown 70.822 - basecoat.
  2. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - shade/ wash.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Pale Brown 70.825 - dry brush.
  4. Vallejo Model Colour Cork Brown 70.845 - dry brush.
  5. Citadel Terminatus Stone - light drybrush.
Reaper Saproling Warrior
  1. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Black Brown 70.822 - basecoat.
  2. Citadel Agrax Earthshade + Citadel Nuln Oil - shade/ wash.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Black Brown 70.822 - heavy drybrush.
  4. Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Pale Brown 70.825 + Vallejo Game Colour extra opaque Heavy Grey 72.145 - dry brush.
  5. Vallejo Game Colour extra opaque Heavy Grey 72.145 + Citadel Terminatus Stone - light dry brush.
  6. Citadel Terminatus Stone - light drybrush.
  7. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - shade/ wash.
Quiet happy with the results.

Sunday, 1 December 2019

Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures Helmed Horror

Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures Helmed Horror

Nice miniature very representative of what's shown in the Monster Manual. plus relatively easy paint job. I tried to achieve the colour of the armour as closely as was shown in the Monster Manual 5e. I think I managed to nail it.

I'll just mention how the armour was painted which comprises most of the miniature.

  1. Citadel Liberator Gold - Basecoat.
  2. Citadel Leadbelcher - Layered & watered down.
  3. Citadel Agrax Earthshade - Shaded/washed with some Citadel Lahmian Medium.
  4. Citadel Ironbreaker - Dry brushed.
  5. Citadel Liberator Gold - Dry brushed.
  6. Citadel Runefang Steel - Light dry brushed.
  7. Citadel Runefang Steel - Edge highlighted.

Plus here's another angle to show the miniature off.

Friday, 29 November 2019

Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game - Bugbears

Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game - Bugbears

Bugbears from the Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game. Since all 3 were exactly the same, I decided to paint them slightly different addressing their fur and loincloths. To make it easier to distinguish which ones were which, I mounted on numbered mounts as shown below.

Bugbear flesh on their faces were all painted the same:
  1. Citadel Bugman's Glow basecoat.
  2. Citadel Reikland Fleshshade shade/wash.
  3. Citadel Bugman's Glow & Citadel Ungor Flesh layered.
  4. Citadel Ungor Flesh highlight.

Bugbears fur No.1:
  1. Citadel XV-88 basecoat ( with some Citadel XV-88 & Citadel Rhinox Hide blended in the shadowed area).
  2. Citadel Agrax Earthshade shade/wash.
  3. Vallejo Model Colour Ochre Brown 70.856 & Citadel XV-88 (50/50) drybrushed.
  4. Vallejo Model Colour Ochre Brown 70.856 drybrushed.
  5. Citadel Ungor Flesh light drybrush.
  6. Citadel Shade: Seraphim Sepia shade/wash to tie it up & knock down the drybrush.
Bugbear fur No. 2:
  1. Citadel XV-88 basecoat.
  2. Citadel Shade: Seraphim Sepia shade/wash.
  3. Citadel Balor Brown drybrushed. 
  4. Vallejo Game Colour Plague Brown 72.039 light drybrush.
  5. Citadel Shade: Seraphim Sepia shade/wash to tie it up & knock down the drybrush.
Bugbear fur No. 3:
  1. Citadel Balor Brown ( with some Citadel XV-88 & Citadel Rhinox Hide blended in the shadowed area).
  2. Citadel Shade: Seraphim Sepia shade/wash.
  3. Citadel XV-88 drybrushed.
  4. Citadel Balor Brown drybrushed.
Also to differentiate the bugbears more, I painted their morning star/ clubs with a blooded, rusty & clean versions.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Magma Base Tutorial from Lan Studio

From LAN Studios a very useful small tutorial on doing a magma base. I hope you like it & find the pictures useful.

Rocks are added & GW tech paint is applied in thick layers & fixed with sand & gravel glue.

Stage 1:
After a black undercoat, the whole base is airbrushed in white, marking some brighter spots with stronger layers.
Stages 2,3 & 4:
Airbrush Sol Yellow(Scale 75)/ yellow from Kimera Models first (leaving some white spots), Vallejo orange fluo followed by Kimera Models red & later this red is mixed with black.
Stage 5:
Some black was applied with an airbrush & then a few layers of drybrush, starting with Kimera Models red then followed by red + black & finally pure black.
Stage 6:
Applied/painted thick pure white in some spots to mark the most hot places/points.
Stage 7 & 8:
Over the white spots, was applied using a brush, yellow, orange fluo & red in a way to achieve high intensity of colours.
Stage 9:
More Scale Colour 75 black was applied over the rocks, then drybrushed with a mix of black & beige. Then later with a brush was more details added.

Hope that helps. Thanks to LAN Studios for this tutorial.

                                                                                Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7

Stage 8

Stage 9